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Private Tutors Education Grade 3 to 12

Private Tutors Education Grade 3 to 12

When a Child Needs a Psycho-Educational Assessment

A psycho-educational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by educational psychologists to measure various aspects of a child's development, including intellectual, cognitive, academic, and emotional domains. The primary purpose of this assessment is to gain a thorough understanding of the child's overall functioning, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine appropriate support and intervention strategies.

Why a Child Might Need a Psycho-Educational Assessment

Children and adolescents may be referred for a psycho-educational assessment when they exhibit behavioural, academic, or emotional difficulties. Educators often notice these challenges in the classroom, such as inattentiveness, poor concentration, avoidance of academic tasks, frequent mistakes, slow work rate, untidy handwriting, and spelling difficulties. These difficulties may indicate learning or developmental issues that can respond to targeted interventions once identified.

· Early Identification is Vital: Detecting barriers to learning early is crucial. Timely intervention increases the likelihood of improvement and progress in the child's academic and emotional well-being.

· Purpose of the Assessment: The assessment aims to pinpoint specific strengths and weaknesses in a child's development to provide the necessary support and intervention. It may lead to referrals to other professionals, such as speech and occupational therapists, or even considerations for alternative school placements for those requiring more comprehensive academic support.

· Potential Interventions: Based on the assessment results, interventions can range from accommodations in testing situations, such as extra time, to other forms of support like parental guidance, psychotherapeutic interventions like family therapy, or recommendations for individualized educational plans.

How the Assessment Works

  1. Initial Interview: The assessment process starts with an in-depth interview with the child's parents or caregivers. This interview is crucial for the psychologist to gather a complete history and background of the child. It helps in determining the specific focus of the assessment and the selection of appropriate tests.

  2. Assessment Sessions: These one-on-one sessions between child and psychologist take place over two days. A range of psychometric assessments tailored to the child's age and developmental needs are administered during these sessions and consist of tasks of varying difficulty. These tasks aim to measure cognitive, academic, behavioural and emotional aspects.

  3. Report and Feedback: After the assessment sessions are completed, the psychologist compiles a report based on the results of the psychometric tests. This report combines information from the initial interview with parents and provides recommendations for future interventions. The psychologist typically reviews the report and recommendations with the parents during a feedback session, which also serves as an opportunity to address any questions or concerns. Collaborative feedback with the child’s school and relevant role players is offered.

A psycho-educational assessment is a valuable tool for identifying and addressing neurodevelopmental disorders. It helps ensure that appropriate support and interventions are put in place to facilitate overall development and academic success.

If you feel like your child would benefit from undergoing a psycho-educational assessment, you are welcome to contact us at our practice in Fourways.

Amy-Leigh Segeren

Educational Psychologist

MEd Ed Psych(UJ)(Cum Laude), BEd Hons Ed Psych(UJ)(Cum Laude), BEd ECD & Foundation Phase(UP)(Cum Laude)

HPCSA No.: PS 014 7842

PR No.: 092 7953

Contact No.: 076 594 8076

Gillian Ilsley

Educational Psychologist

Supervisor: University of Johannesburg

MEd Ed Psych(UJ), BEd Hons Ed Psych(UJ)(Cum Laude), BA (UNISA), HDE (JCE) Diploma Remedial Ed (UNISA)

HPCSA No.: PS 0131490

PR No.: 633 0985

Contact No.: 083 414 0869


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