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Private Tutors Education Grade 3 to 12

Private Tutors Education Grade 3 to 12

Turning ‘HATE TALK’ into HOPE

I can’t lie to you—things these days are bleak. Our newsfeeds are overwhelmed with grim updates about our government; news articles are saturated with the lack of electricity to rising costs in the economy, crime and even reports about terrible events happening within our schools. It’s extremely difficult to keep positive.

Not only is it a challenge to imagine any future for our children in a world where things are constantly changing, but it’s especially tough to think of a future in which things are actually positive. More importantly, to ensure that our children don’t fall victim to this cycle of doom that they are surrounded by.

In general, having hope is having an expectation that something good will happen in the future.

Being hopeful makes you an optimist.

Our goal is to build hopeful children who are positive about the future and have the persistence to work for it.

HOPE? How do I help my child find that?

We know this much – change begins at home!

Let’s begin with the basic age old saying, It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” Teaching our kids gratitude will show them how to shift their perspective. When we start listing things that we are grateful for – we open our eyes to the possibilities within the world around us. This training will teach our children about ‘possibility thinking’. A technique any successful individual must master.

So, gratitude = possibilities

Then on the flip side of that - Stop Complaining! We need to catch ourselves when we pop out negativities. Children will do as we do, not as we say. So, if WE can work on limiting the hateful comments, they will follow suite aswell. Start with trying to go 1 week without complaining about the petrol price, then the next week no complaints about the messy bathroom, Then the next week you tackle the next issue – it doesn’t have to be all at once. But it trains us, and the kids who watch us to tentatively, to stop, breathe and think before acting hastily.

So, stopping complaining = a buffer for tough times

Next, when you feel you’ve set foot on the possibility train, Set some goals and make some big plans! Planning for the future is the overall HOPE builder.

Dreaming big dreams = Excitement (as opposed to worry and depression)

How does this help your children?

Because they will become a product of the 5 people they spend the most time with. If your child’s 2 parents can eliminate 50% of their negativity, imagine how different their perspective will be when they head out to school tomorrow.

Speak positively before your child leaves home = Imagine who he/she may influence to do the same.

Happy children = successful children.

We can’t all be perfect parents, but we can try one small thing today to make a difference in our own children’s worlds.


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