Reasons why tutoring can help your child in their latter years.
Research suggests that allowing your child to undergo tutoring at a young age, can be beneficial in more than just the academic department. There are many social and cognitive benefits to going through tutoring processes. Let’s take a look at some.
#1: The most obvious and immediate benefit is that tutoring will help with the child’s current academic struggles: improved marks and less pressure with getting things done. But in the long run, what this improvement does for a child’s self esteem is more important. I spoke to a child recently who received their highest report marks since starting exam years. I asked how this made her feel. Her response was that she feels like she can do something she didn’t think she could do before, and this encouraged her to go and try out for a new sport also, to TRY something else that she never thought she could do. This leads us directly to #2…
#2: Personal growth. As a child’s marks start to improve they often begin to notice their own individual skill sets and feel motivated to continue with their hard work.
#3: With the help of a tutor, students generally learn to take more responsibility for their studies. Consistency with this would naturally provide an overall more responsible attitude and routine. I have seen children take on more around the house, and with siblings and friends once they are more inclined to stick to a routine. We find that they tend to DO more than what is usually expected of them. This is an underrated character trait in adults - and to develop this when young, is clearly a massive win.
#4: Attitude changes. As school marks and motivation begin to improve, you often notice an improved attitude towards doing ANYTHING. Whether at school or at home, the lighter load of pressure may help with calmness, but coping skills with ‘tough stuff’ improves - and this generally leads to ‘lighter’ or more favourable reactions when challenges arise.
#5: All round, when attitude improves, what comes next is a positive environment and work space. This is something that the entire family can benefit from. But more importantly, it becomes a base for how the individual will lead their own home environment one day.
#6: Improved Communication skills
Because of the private nature of tutoring, the child usually has a much more elaborate opportunity to communicate their struggles (due to less pressure of being singled out). This, generally, provides huge benefits for the student, in the sense that thoughts and feelings are ‘allowed’. Conversation can flow without extra questions popping in as well as proper clarity for the child on any issue. Encouraging question asking promotes open communication, which we believe becomes a trait that can carry through to adulthood.
So aside from the regular, more obvious, reasons we tutor. At Edu Core Solutions our long term purpose is to build individuals who are self-reliant and confident. This is just one small step we take in contributing towards that.
