Does your child need a tutor?
A handful of good reasons your child could need a Tutor

Every parent is faced with the same dilemma at some stage of the growing up and education of their child or children. From the time your child starts school, they have tests or exams to deal with, projects to complete and speeches to write and deliver. If you think your child needs help as the pressure mounts, you often consider trying to help them yourself. You try to make time, but just don’t have it, or even if you do, you’re just not up to speed with the subject matter they are studying, or you realise you just don’t have the patience or skill to teach ...after all, you aren’t a Teacher are you? At this juncture you might want to consider getting a private Tutor. So, when should you consider hiring a Tutor and how do you know for sure that’s what they need? In the interests of giving you a helping hand, in this article we consider a handful of good reasons your child could need a Tutor...
The teacher tells you – More often than not, if your child is really having a hard time grasping or dealing with any specific subject the first person to pick it up will be their Teacher. So, if your child’s Teachers express concern about his/her progress or about what their final results might be, it could be time for an after School Tutor.
They’re failing Exams – It’s possible your child is getting good grades with their homework and projects in School, or in certain classes, but just isn’t doing well on tests or is failing exams. This could be a study or retention problem, which can be overcome with the intervention of a good Tutor.
They’re not keeping up - One or more teachers are covering the class curriculum too quickly, so your child is falling behind. Some additional assistance at home from a Tutor will help to keep them on top of their class work
They don’t handle the homework - Is your child struggling with the pressures of daily homework? Extra curricula activities and homework can all be just too much. In this case a Tutor can assist with time planning and improved capability.
You know they’re exceptional – This is the problem most parents long for, but remember if your child is pushing for a distinction, or has extraordinary capabilities, a Tutor can help them to achieve the excellence they deserve!
We hope this handful of good reasons your child could need a Tutor has been helpful ... if you believe that your child does, then remember that the purpose of our Tutors is to help your child to help themselves. We can assist or guide them to the point at which they become an independent learner and give them the skills that enable them to overcome all learning challenges. Contact us for Free advice and quotations and let us help with reaching your child’s true potential!